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Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Fat Grafting

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April 15, 2015 | Fat Grafting
3 minute read

Top 3 Questions to Ask About Fat Grafting

Have you ever wished, “If only just a bit of my belly could go to my butt or a bit of that butt could just go to my breasts?” What seems like an impossible dream is actually an increasingly popular plastic surgery reality called fat grafting.

As a leading plastic surgeon, Dr. Jaime Perez has helped many Tampa patients achieve their ideal bodies through everything from facelifts to fat grafting. To help clarify questions and concerns about this procedure, Dr. Perez answers the top 3 questions you need to ask about fat grafting.

Question #1: How Does it Work?

Fat grafting involves harvesting fat cells from a part of the body with excess fat and then injecting those cells into a desired area in order to increase volume. Basically, you are using your own fat as a natural filler. You aren’t putting any implants into your body, only autologous tissue.

Fat grafting is also tied into other of types plastic surgery procedures such as
breast augmentations, Brazilian butt-lifts, and facial fat transfers.

Question # 2: Sounds Great, but What’s the Catch?

The major “catch” to fat grafting is that the fat cells might not catch. In other words, it cannot be predicted whether or not the fat cells will survive after they are transplanted. This can possibly lead to additional injections and procedures in order to correct or better the results.

This is why plastic surgeons typically inject more fat in the area than you think you may need initially. As long as we do this, results are met and naturally fuller breasts are achieved.

Question #3: Am I a Candidate for Fat Grafting?

Ultimately your candidacy for fat grafting should be discussed and determined by you and your plastic surgeon. However, here are a few general indications of an ideal candidate for this procedure:

    • You should be in good general health

    • You should not smoke
    • You should have a substantial amount of donor tissue to remove excess fat
    • You should have realistic expectations about the procedure

Make a Consultation for Fat Grafting in Tampa

Are you tired of simply dreaming about transferring unwanted fat to different places? Fat grafting can be the perfect solution. If you have any questions or are ready to make the dream a reality, please feel free to contact Dr. Jaime Perez at the Plastic Surgery Center of Tampa. We look forward to helping you achieve that look you’ve been dreaming of.

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